SHEC Induction workshop Scheduled for October 8-11

The National Election Commission is preparing for national elections, scheduled for 22 December 2026. To implement elections, the NEC will rely on a field structure consisting of a High Committee at a state-level (SHEC) in each of the ten states.  Each SHEC consists of a chairperson, deputy chairperson, and three committee members appointed by the NEC.  

In April and May 2024, the members of the NEC visited the States to meet with stakeholders and consult about for SHEC appointments. On 17 June 2024, the Chair of NEC, Prof. Abednego Akok Kachuol, announced the establishment of the High Committees at the State-level. The fifty (50) committee members took their oath of office in Juba on 11 July 2024 and will begin the task of refurbishing their offices.    

To prepare the SHECs for their task, NEC with the support of the UN-Integrated Electoral Assistance Team (UN-IEAT), will deliver an Induction Workshop from 08-11 October 2024 in Juba.